Detroit Mercy

Last updated: 02/21/2009
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a sorority?

A sorority is a sisterhood of women that have gathered together to promote a common set of ideals and purposes. To understand more fully what a sorority is and its purpose we must go back in time to the end of the 1900's. In the 19th century, colleges were for men only, and fraternities were going strong on college campuses across the nation. By the end of the 1900's women were finally able to pursue higher education in college, yet college still remained a predominately male environment. To triumph personally and academically in this environment, women searched for encouragement and support as well as an outlet for their talents and dreams. As a result, sororities began to be founded, and their spirit of promoting the ideal women has survived.
What is Recruitment?
Recruitment is the new name for "rush." It is a selection process by which Greek organizations get to know potential new members. This is the time all organizations host different events to give you a chance to know people. If you choose to participate in recruitment, there is no commitment to join a sorority. However, Recruitment is a once in a life time opportunity where ladies get a chance to make and create life long friendships across the campus.

Why Tri-Sigma?
Tri-sigma was founded by eight women who wanted to promote strong womanly character, high standard of conduct, and insure the perpetual bond of friendship. The ladies at UDM live by these morals and the motto, "Faithful Unto Death." Tri-Sigma shares a strong sisterhood that enhances your college experience. All potential members have unique qualities that will positively impact our chapter. We encourage growth for these wonderful characteristics while you are in our chapter. Many positive outcomes that result from joining include:
A support group to make college easier
Scholastic resources to help you achieve academic goals
Hands on leadership skills and future opportunity for leadership
Encouragement to get involved and maximize your potential on campus
Opportunity for active participation in community service projects
Life long bonds of friends
What will I have to do?
Joining Tri-Sigma is not like what you see in TV shows, WE DO NOT HAZE OUR NEW MEMBERS. Therefore, before crossing the only thing you have to do is learn about the sorority and its foundation. The sisters of the Beta Tau chapter live by the motto "Sisters from the Start".
What about my Grades?
One focus of our sorority is education because sorority women are college students, and it is the main objective of being in school. Tri-sigma requires a 2.5 GPA in order to join and to be a member in good standing.
You wouldn't haze your friends. Why would you haze your sisters? The goal of a new membership is to be a member of a house; to make you want to be a Sister, Where does hazing fit in? Quite simply, it doesn't. Why abuse someone for three months in the name of becoming their best friends? A Sorority is not about building new members. It's about building Sisters.