
Beta Tau~

Detroit Mercy
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Sigma Sigma Sigma

Last updated: 02/21/2009

Contact Us

"It's not just letters, parties and good times. It is a feeling that will never leave you as long as you live. It is a responsibility and a duty to yourself and you sisters. It is an eternal love."
Interested in becoming a member of Beta Tau? If so feel free to contact our president.
Erin Kobosky:
To find other Tri-sigma Chapters or Alumni Chapters please visit our national website
Sigma Sigma Sigma


Sorority Soliloquy
I've heard it said a sorority is a waste of time; but I know better...
For I have seen the love and walked in the splendor of sisterhood...
Blinked at the brilliance and beheld the rose and the diamond.

I've heard the cheerful songs of the frolicking pledges...
Heard the low laughter of puzzled actives and the everlasting chuckle of glee in the air.

I've heard it said that a sorority is a dull, selfish place; It can't be true...
I've seen the affection, watched it fill my heart, the very air...
And I have learned the Creed polished and spotless from end to end,
And I have watched the sororities' devotion drape each and every active and pledge to look like nature's freshly-granted love nourishing growth...

I've heard it said that a sorority is harmful, but they are wrong...
For I know my sisters...
Watched them strive to save a cause, spend of themselves...
and I've watched them hope, dream and aspire, side by side...

I've heard them say these things, but I would disagree...
Because for every shadow I have seen a hundred rays of light...
For every plaintive note I've heard a symphony of joy...
For every pennyweight of bad, I've found a ton of good...
Good in nature, in people, in my sorority...

I'm so thankful I belong.

Questions or comments about this website? Pleasefeel free to contact our webmaster:
Michelle Boudreau.......... Boudremm@students.udmercy.edu